Dear Lori,
good point! I thought you were like, being loud and it struck me as humerous. I'll try to remember it is easier to read.
Loved your colors too*wink*.
peace n love
In a message dated 6/24/2006 5:21:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hey John,
Actually, I have been using a big sized font for quite a while now [to friends and family] and will sometimes use it here in my posts.  My vision is just fine but I think it is just so much easier on the eyes to read bigger fonts.
In fact, the last three or four years that I have gone to the library to check out a book ... I always go to the "Large Print Books" first.  They are usually for the vision impaired but, for me, it just seems so much more comfortable in the eyes to read that way.
When I mentioned that to my sister [who also has no problems with vision either] ... she began to enjoy checking out the large print books for the exact same reason.
And I have carried it into e-mail.  When some folks use a font that is so teeny tiny to read ... it is frustrating and I often overlook it.  You know what I mean? and then they put it all into one paragraph and *sigh*.  Different strokes for different folks.
I also have everything on the computer [from file manager to our browsers] set up so the font is a bit larger and crisper to read.
NOW, WHEN SOMEONE TYPES IN ALL CAPS .... it has been my experience that they think they are trying to be heard better.  LOL
Am I the only one who enjoys a bigger font either on the computer or reading a book?
-------Original Message-------
Date: 6/24/2006 1:02:16 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Mistaken identity
ROFL, Are you writing for the folks that are hard O' reading again? lol
peace n love
In a message dated 6/23/2006 6:03:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I asked "Could you please refer to the e-mail that you are talking about where I said that 'you' are not a quad? 
The ONLY person that I have said who is not a quad on this list is "W".  And he is not but he is a great submitter!"
You responded [below].
Thank you Tesela ... I thought I was missing something.  In any case, welcome to the group again!
-------Original Message-------
Date: 6/23/2006 10:10:48 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Hi, everybody
This is the e-mail that I was talking about. I thought that you were referring to me because I live in Chicago. Sorry about that. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Lori Michaelson <>
To: Quad <>
Sent: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 19:06:21 -0700
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Hi, everybody

I also welcome you to the list! 
We have a member here who is not a quad [W] and I think he resides in Chicago!  He has a wild sense of humor here so watch out for his welcome!
Lori C4/5 Complete
Tucson, AZ
AGE - 41
-------Original Message
Hi, I'm c7 from Chicago and new in this list. I hope we can share experiences, specially with people with my same injury.

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