What, no epileptics? I have these great siezures now and then from my brain injury. I usually don't remember much. With neurontin they are milder and I just seem to blackout for about 5 to 10 minutes. I still get some bad ones now and then, but as long as I take about 60mg's of valium they don't last too long. Always feel like I ran a marathon afterward. Sure freaks everyone else out.
I was starting to think you guys didn't have siezures. I use to take a med for my blood preasure during the siezure but they stopped it because they thought it was setting up the next one. A friend of mine takes methadone and says it controls his. I'm guessing he takes a bit much because hes pretty far out in left field most of the time. I don't think he would know if he had a siezure.

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