I have a cousin that's a cop, another is a deputy Sherriff and an uncle that is a captain of the guard for the Sheriff's dept' where they handle prisoners all day. In this part of the country pot laws are looked at as just plain stupid ways to fill jail cells. They could go set up a watch on a nightclub where extacy and coke are being sold in bulk to teens or they could bust the 40 yld guy sittin at home, watching cartoons, eating a twinkie. Pot is no longer a big money crime drug. So many people grow their own and theres virtually no violent crime attached to it. It is Kentucky's #1 cash crop. The reduculous part is when I see them smuggling it in from mexiico when everyone knows, Canada has the good stuff. The best stuff comes from basements and is grown using hydroponics. In any case, I don't buy it or sell it. An ounce lasts me about 6 months.
If they choose to arrest me for it I'll cost them about $6500 a day to keep in custody at a local hospital and I haven't got the money to pay a fine.
The only reason pot is illegal is because a study done in the 1930's stated that marijuana made blackl and hispanic men want to rape white women. This was also a time when it was illegal to marry between races in many states.
Just think of all the space we would have in jails and prisons if we dumped that one stupid law and taxed the stuff. It isn't even addictive. The US government has not recognized any medical studies that show it has a medicinal value and has misspent billions of dollars eradicating a weed thats native to the western hemisphere while subsidizing tobacco and alcohol which are both addictive and poisonous.
Teach the dog a practical job and have him sniff out money
In a message dated 10/23/2006 12:21:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, LadyOnWheels725 writes:
Hi John,
My nephew is a chief investigator with the police department and he has a drug dog.  When you get a dog like this they live with you and become part of your family.Our house is where all the family comes to eat and congregate.  We have them over ever week or 2 to eat and watch a game or race and the dog comes along.  When Jimmy needs to go places without the dog he will have a
" play date " at our house.  We have often said that the dog could bust us for all the meds we keep in our house.   I bet he would let Jimmy know if I tried to hide some " pot " in this house.  At the University of Mississippi ( Ole Miss ) they do grow pot there for the school of pharmacy.

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