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Hi All!


For those of you in the mid-west and east, we hope you are safe and keeping


We recently mailed our newsletter and if you did not receive a copy, it
means we don't have your mailing address.  If you'd like to read about the
research and Quality of Life grants we've funded as well as the activities
of the Sam Schmidt Paralysis Foundation, please forward your name and
address.  It will be helpful if you put Newsletter in the subject line as I
get a lot of spam.


We believe in collaborating with other organizations that have similar
missions and interests as us.  The Americans for Stem Cell Therapies and
Cures is one such organization and they have given me permission to simply
forward their emails.  For those of you who do not support embryonic stem
cell research, I apologize for sending this to you and for those of you who
do support this research, I hope you will help.


In the upcoming months, we will attempt to make contact more often.  We
started out as a small foundation (are still relatively small) but are in
the process of hiring one staff person to assist.  My hope is to keep you
apprised of legislation, articles of interest, etc.  If we all work together
and speak with one voice, our impact will be greater in State Government and
Federal Government.


Thank you for your help.


Ida Cahill

President / CEO

Sam Schmidt Paralysis Foundation




From: Americans for Stem Cell Therapies & Cures
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 7:34 PM
Subject: Action Alert: Contact Washington



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Action Alert: Contact Washington Today!


Dear  ida,


We have two critical action items for you to take this week to help change
the federal policy on funding stem cell research. Tell our leaders in
Washington that it is time to fund this critical research.


First, we need each of you to write two letters.


*   Write to your congressperson. If they voted Yes on HR 3, thank them
and encourage them to continue their support in the case of a veto-override.
If they voted No on HR 3, tell you story and ask them to change their vote
to Yes in the case of a veto-override. See a sample thank you letter here
es.org/images/Sample_Thank_you_and_Yes_on_override_2_.doc>  and a sample
letter to encourage them to change their vote here
es.org/images/Sample_Change_your_vote_on_HR3_Letter.doc> .

*   Write to your Senators. You can write to both Senators in the same
letter to save time. Urge them to vote Yes on S5 and to vote Yes in the case
of a veto-override. See a sample letter here
es.org/images/Sample_Yes_on_S5_letter_2_.doc> .

Second, we need you click on dLife
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  to send an
email and let your stance on stem cell research be heard. dLife will print
every single one out and will hand deliver all of them to Washington, DC.
Their hope, idealistic they know, is to bring more than one million personal
stories. With your help, we can all realize that goal. You can also visit
their website at www.dLife.com/pelosi
i>  to view an interview with Nancy Pelosi regarding stem cell research.  

To find the names and addresses of your representatives, simply plug in your
9 digit-zip code at Project Vote Smart
.htm> . (You can find your 9 digit zip code here
welcome.jsp> .)

Thank you for your continued hard work. Together we can help change the
future of medicine and reduce human suffering.

Warm regards,

Amy Daly, RN
Executive Director





550 S. California Avenue | Suite 330 | Palo Alto, CA 94306
(650) 812-9304 | (650) 833-0105 (fax) 
es.org> www.americansforcures.org

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