Hi Kathy,

After I read this e-mail, I remembered that the reason  they tested me, in 
85, when I was diagnosed with bladder cancer, was because I  had blood in my 
urine.  I don't want to alarm you, but it might be wise to  talk to a 
I don't know if others have ever had blood from a  urinary tract infection.  
I had not.
Have others had blood in their urine from a UTI? Is that normal with  bladder 
stones to have bleeding ?
Just wondering.

In a message dated 2/15/2007 5:13:40 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

Hi  Cathy.....some types of UTI's can cause bleeing in urine,  I was having a 
lot of bleeding and the doctors ran a CT scan and found that I  had a golf 
ball size bladder stone....I just had it removed on in is Jan.  29th, and go 
a follow up check on Monday. This was my 1st stone in 9 years  post. Just 
letting you know in case it don't clear up, good luck- hope ya get  better 


Hi Dana and others,
I am glad that you don't have many  UTI .  After all the talk from the group 
about kidney this and that  I  was feeling fortunate that I didn't have much 
On Sunday I started feeling a little  rough and I just thought it was due to 
the fact that I had gotten out  several times last week going to doctor 
appointments and Walmart and lack of  rest and my pain level is up. Monday I 
having pain on my left side  and down low.  That night My urine had turned 
red with blood.  Now  I am taking all those antibiotics that it takes to get 
of it, but they  really make me feel yuck.  At least spending time in bed 
lets me catch  up on some reading.

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