If one believes in the goodness of God, then I don't see how they can believe 
in Hell. I think I'm a relatively good person and having said that, I could 
never send anyone to Hell where they would endure everlasting torture. Where is 
the goodness in that? Are we not taught that God is all knowing and all loving 
and forgives us of our sins? As Jesus said as he was dying on the cross 
"Forgive them Father for they do not know what they do". He didn't say "Hey 
Dad, send these bastards to Hell".

We are like children to God. Imagine that you are the parents of twin 4 year 
old boys. They are playing at the top of a flight of stairs. One of them gets 
angry with the other and pushes him down the flight of stairs knowing well that 
the child will get hurt and the child dies. The surviving twin shows no remorse 
since most 4 year olds haven't yet developed that capacity. Would you as their 
parent/God send this child to Hell?   

Dan V

At 03:18 PM 4/15/2007 -0400, Steve Oldaker said something that elicited my 
>What if you live a truly good life and do not deny the existence of God, 
>Heaven and Hell, but do not have a core belief that they do in fact exist? 
>Would it not be hypocritical to state that you do believe in their existence 
>just in case?
>The big problem I have with many organized religions is you either accept and 
>believe, or you are doomed, regardless of how well you have lived your life 
>and the goodness in your heart and deeds. This is particularly true with 
>Christian religions.
>FWIW, I do believe in a supreme being (a.k.a. God), hope there is a Heaven, 
>and hope there is not a Hell. Pretty sure about the first one, not sure about 
>the last two.
>From: Danny Hearn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2007 2:29 PM 
>To: Quad-list@eskimo.com 
>Subject: [QUAD-L] God, and Heaven-Hell 
>       If you live a good life as IF there really IS a God and Heaven or Hell 
> and die to find out it was not true--YOU LOST NOTHING.    BUT  IF you live 
> and deny God and Heaven Or Hell and DIE to find out THERE IS a GOD and it's 
> All TRUE-----------{{YOU LOST EVERYTHING.}} But God wants no robots, that's 
> why he gave Mankind free will and choices. As a matter of fact he even 
> granted his Angels free will....When Lucifer Tried to overthrow God, He took 
> 1/3 of God's angels with him by decieving them to follow him.    
>                      Dan H. 

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