Hi everyone~ 
Sure, This is long overdue.? I did not think there were any females who 
belonged to this site! Seemed to be more males (not that there is anything 
wrong with that!!) 
Ten months ago while having a seizure I fell (about 3 feet) into my garden.? 
Instantly I was aware of the lack of feeling from my chest down.? This will 
give you an idea of my married life...? I was more concerned that my neighbor 
found my keys and locked up my house before I was loaded onto the ambulance.? 
Long story short, I was flown to Hershey Medical Center.? Was there? 3? months? 
and? was? discharged.? My husband could not cope with the "role reversal". As a 
result? I am now? living with my mother and going through a nasty divorce.? 
Regardless I am very focused on what is important right now, therapy and 

Would you guys tell me a little about yourself?


10 months post

-----Original Message-----
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sat, 9 Jun 2007 5:12 pm
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] have not got many post today!

Hi Ya'll looks like it's just us females today, I have been outside a lot today.
Shell tell us about yourself. ?Just want to say hi.


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