Thank You, Greg                  Dan H.

Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:        v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  o\:* 
{behavior:url(#default#VML);}  w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}  .shape 
{behavior:url(#default#VML);}                I was told to take it during and 
after. Also, I was told not to take it within 2 hours of taking the antibiotics.
  And it must have “Live Cultures” in it. There is also a pill you can take 
that has the “Live Cultures” in it.
  It’s a chalky tasting, chewable, pill that must be kept refrigerated.  That’s 
easier than eating so much yogurt.

    I'm on some pretty strong antibiotics.....I know many of you such as John 
say to take good bacteria such as in Yogurt and acidophilius when you have been 
on antibiotics....My question is,,, do you take it During or after the 
antibiotics? or does it matter? 

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