i had my bloodwork done recently and my cholesterol is 275. my good  
cholesterol went bad as well. i do have a family history of this. all my  
siblings and 
both parents. anyway, he put me on lipitor and after 2 days, i had  just 
about every side effect. my body felt like i was having a e-coli uti, (run  
by a semi). i felt feverish but no fever. and chest pains. so my question  is 
this: do any of you fellow quads have high cholesterol? i ask because i  wonder 
why my body rejected it so badly & quickly. could it be a quad thing?  my 
family had no problem with it. the other drugs i take are pain pills &  fosamax 
which the doc knew of them so i don't think it was a drug interaction  problem. 
we can't exercise so i'm gonna try my best with 'the diet'. it was  really 
bad pain, increased spasms too.

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      

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