So True Tim---It is good to watch and keep eye on our own care, even in the 
hospital they make mistakes.   Yes----glad to be back home, .  Thanks to all 
that replied----- I won't keep answering all so I don't fill up the post 
replies,,  You all are a great bunch of FRIENDS !  God Bless !             
                                                                        Dan H.

t crook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Glad you made it out alive- having competent staff taking care of us 
shouldn't be a worry, and it sucks that it has to be. It is good to watch and 
know what they are doing. Some of these so called "Health Care Professionals?" 
should not be allowed to practice, or maybe they should practice.... haha!
  Good luck fighting your bug!

  ----- Original Message ----
From: Danny Hearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 5, 2008 3:11:21 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] home from hospital- with 1st picc line -- yahoo ;-)

  Hello again everyone !  I only had to spend 2 days in the hospital--- here is 
my short story of the kinda bad experience...  the 1st night a nurse shot an 
empty siringe of air into my stomach, then said oh my gosh I forgot to put the 
heperin blood thinner in there. That kinda scared me but they said it would not 
hurt me. Then the same nurse was told to draw 2 large vials of blood for tests 
and 2 small vials--- well half thru she said oh my gosh hand on don't move... I 
forgot all the vials, and ran from the room,, then returned with more vials 
saying I'm so sorry all this is happening because i'm a very competent nurse. ( 
Me and my wife were getting scared and was not sure she was competent ! )  lol  
  Then later the next shift nurse put in an IV for antibiotics and it blew my 
vein that night causing my arm to swell up very large and could not get a vein 
to work in my other arm after 3 or 4 tries.  So then they let me just stay 
overnight, without any fluids or antibiotics
 and said  they were giving me a PICC LINE the next day.  Well they gave me a 
zanex to make me relaxed and the Lady came in and put the picc line in so 
easily with NO PROBLEMS ! I did'nt even feel a thing !  Thanks!!! to all who 
gave me  advice about the PICC line--- A home care nurse came today and taught 
my wife how to give the antibiotics- flush and Etc. and we just finished  our 
1st home it is so nice this way and probably safer than 
in the hospital with careless nurses. -- Thanks Again all !  now I will not be 
so scared of a picc line in the  future.
     Dan H.  C-6  St.Louis, Mo. 


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