Fasten your seatbelt W.?? You and I and the likes are going to pay the freight 
for these morons while they sit back and do what 'comes naturally'.? Endless 
generations with a hand full of 'gimme'? and a mouth full of 'thank you very 
much' are going to suck you, me and all alike dry while H. and B. tell them 
they deserve it just by being born in the USA.? I'm all for HELPING, but 
comeon, gimme a break.? (I better quit.)



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, 9 Apr 2008 7:54 pm
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Am idol

Not to hi-jack your thread but I read this week the high school graduation 
in Chicago is 60%. Graduation rate in Indianapolis is less than 50%.? 
Detroit is the worse with 25%? That kind of information hurts my heart and 
soul.? I'm sure that you and all will agree that an ignorant population is 
easily lead down a path to a Rose Garden.

Best Wishes



In a message dated 4/9/2008 9:45:08 P.M. Central Daylight Time, Oconnelldb 

I really can't believe we are more interested in pouring 
  money? into the black hole of Africa where people reproduce like dogs not 
  even knowing how it happens when quite a number here in the USA (most living 
  within a stone's throw of the pro-sports arenas ) need so much? and have 
  a similar misunderstanding of simple biology.??I guess it's the 
  CLASSY? thing to do.


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