Actually wheelchair, you have hit on one of the primary reasons there is so
many impoverished people in this country.  Keep in mind I'm excluding the
severely disabled community from the comment, for right now.  I don't know
the exact stats, but I heard that the true rates of graduation from high
school are much lower than people realize.

For instance, here in Florida they do not count the dropouts when they are
touting their graduation percentage.  It's an absolute travesty.  It's
something were done to reform the education system properly in this country,
we would have a lot less problems.  There are, however, many other social
factors which play into the graduation disgrace in this country.  I am not a
sociologist, nor do I pretend to be, but there are several programs which
could be expanded and better funded to help end the cycle of poverty.

I am in the process of writing a blog about Idol Gives Back, but I'd like to
make it a little more factual than I have so far.

Basically the premise of my blog is that if Fox, news Corp., were really
concerned about giving money to charity they would not have been showing
paid commercials during Tuesday night's broadcast.  I have searched
throughout the Internet to determine if the proceeds from the advertisements
were turned back in to Idol gives back, but so far haven't been able to find
anything.  If someone does, please let me know before I put my foot in my

Enough of my drivel, I better get going.
Take care everyone,

>  Not to hi-jack your thread but I read this week the high school
> graduation in Chicago is 60%. Graduation rate in Indianapolis is less than
> 50%.  Detroit is the worse with 25%  That kind of information hurts my heart
> and soul.  I'm sure that you and all will agree that an ignorant population
> is easily lead down a path to a Rose Garden.
> Best Wishes
> W

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