Hi Bob...

I can't dispute, in my opinion, that this is exciting news.  I'm very curious 
how these trials to determine the safety of injecting embyonic stem cells into 
human SCI patients turn out... and how much farther they're able to go.  
(Today's announced procedure is just to be sure applying stem cells won't harm 
or kill a patient.)

However, it's a little early to thank President Obama.  The Bush Administration 
wouldn't have stopped this Phase I test from going forward in any way because 
it's all being done in a privately-funded lab with no government money.  In 
fact, the FDA has been studying the plans and background research for this for 
a while, now.  The application was in months ago.

The best news is that *IF* this Phase I shows promise, the company itself or 
publicly-funded universities it could work with might soon be able to apply for 
Federal grant money to continue the work and collaborate on methods used once 
the ban on gov-funded emryonic stem cell research is lifted.

Best wishes to ALL...
(and I'm sure we'll be able to thank Obama in the future when the lifting of 
the "Bush Ban on Science" helps move many things forward.)


---- bob quinn <kult...@yahoo.com> wrote: 
> Most promising for new injuries, but still exciting news!

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