Hey Bob -- I *LOVE* politics!  CNN is a fixture at my house, not a channel to 
choose.  Wolf Blitzer's "Situation Room" is as attention-grabbing, to me, as 
porn is to many (LOL).

I don't mind discussing it here.  And, as a science teacher, too, I can't wait 
'til Obama erases some of the Bush stranglehold on science being published 
without "presidential editing."

Best wishes!

---- bob quinn <kult...@yahoo.com> wrote: 
> Hi Tod,
> I apologize for the unnecessary polticization of this Good News. Crediting 
> Obama is admittedly a stretch, but the coincidence of FDA approval the day 
> after the inauguration just begs for it. :-)
> ________________________________
> From: Tod E. Santee <sant...@cox.net>
> To: bob quinn <r...@sockets.com>; quad-list@eskimo.com
> Cc: bob quinn <kult...@yahoo.com>
> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 10:24:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Thank-you Obama: FDA Approves Stem Cell Trials for SCI
> Hi Bob...
> I can't dispute, in my opinion, that this is exciting news.  I'm very curious 
> how these trials to determine the safety of injecting embyonic stem cells 
> into human SCI patients turn out... and how much farther they're able to go.  
> (Today's announced procedure is just to be sure applying stem cells won't 
> harm or kill a patient.)
> However, it's a little early to thank President Obama.  The Bush 
> Administration wouldn't have stopped this Phase I test from going forward in 
> any way because it's all being done in a privately-funded lab with no 
> government money.  In fact, the FDA has been studying the plans and 
> background research for this for a while, now.  The application was in months 
> ago.
> The best news is that *IF* this Phase I shows promise, the company itself or 
> publicly-funded universities it could work with might soon be able to apply 
> for Federal grant money to continue the work and collaborate on methods used 
> once the ban on gov-funded emryonic stem cell research is lifted.
> Best wishes to ALL...
> (and I'm sure we'll be able to thank Obama in the future when the lifting of 
> the "Bush Ban on Science" helps move many things forward.)
> --Tod
> ---- bob quinn <kult...@yahoo.com> wrote: 
> > Most promising for new injuries, but still exciting news!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >      

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