Thank God that we still have not seen one here in the 7 1/2 years we have
been here!  Us quads just can't jump and get away from them if we are in bed
or something like that.

I always feel like when I respond to something like this that I will jinx
myself but sorry this is your second experience Greg--and hopefully your

I can't remember if spraying is supposed to help keep them away.  Definitely
poisonous and treatment is needed ASAP.  But, speaking of Arizona (our area)
we are pretty lucky to avoid all the other things that other states seem to
deal with yearly.

The extreme frigid cold that kills the weak by the cold alone or by losing
electricity and not having generators.  The hurricanes in Texas and Florida
that has people without power for weeks on end.  Earthquakes in California
that can happen anytime.  Living near Mount Saint Helens or Mount Rainier --
once is enough!  Etc. etc. etc. etc..

At least here we are pretty stable.  We don't even need a daily weather
report in the summer.  Just HOT.  But not bloody-hell-humid hot.

Trying to enjoy Valentine's Day on a 60° sunny day!  We just came in from
sunning ourselves.

On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 8:16 AM, Greg <> wrote:

>  For the second time, I found a scorpion in our TV room walking right in
> front of where I was sitting. Out little dog was acting excited and I looked
> down and just feet away is a bark scorpion. The smallest, but most poisonest
> kind in AZ.. Not deadly, but painful. Though might do a job on a little dog.
> I haven't found any in bed with me, but my sister who lives in my house had
> one walk over her arm while in her bed, and my mother got stung while in bed
> once here. I just hope I never see one walking towards me in bed and not be
> able to knock it away. I can just see myself blowing hard trying to blow it
> away from my face.
> G.

C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
Tucson, AZ

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