Hi Bobbie... I truly feel for you!  My whole family lives in PA in an old farm 
town with lots of steep steps to every building.  I only have one blood 
relative's home I can visit (besides my own old house) when I fly back to 
visit.  All our visits, gatherings, welcome back's, etc. all end up being 
outside in the barn (yep, real barn!) or in my parent's house that still has 
the ramp from 20 yrs ago when I lived there.

And even here where I live, I only really see my wife's family at my house or 
her one sister's house... and that's only because they have a son who uses a 
chair (but isn't independently mobile at all... so where to "park" is even 

I know... at least I *can* visit to some degree but I do remember the days when 
it was my house or outside only.  If not for my grandparents being in their 
90's I'd still only have my old home... it's a hell of a way to call myself 

I hope something comes up to help cheer you up -- after you get "All the Cry 
Out" first, that is.  No sense holding back and I'm sure glad you decided to 
write something instead of suckin' it up and keepin' it in.  That's not good 
for any of us!

Best wishes & Good vibes sent your way...

---- wheelch...@aol.com wrote: 
> Hi Bobbie,
> Is it the cost of rehabbing the entry or that you don't visit that often to 
>  merit the upgrade.  I would not be surprised that you are not the only one 
>  with  that issue.
> Best Wishes
> In a message dated 12/29/2009 5:27:48 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
> bobbie...@aol.com writes:
> Pete  just left to go visit his/my family, can't get in to the house - I've 
> them all  over 27 years. This CRAP hurts a LOT!!!!!!!!!!  I'm crying as I'm 
>  typing              ~ Bobbie

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