I have been very lucky with getting chairs. So far I've always got the chair
I wanted, including a Permobil. Though that was from a state insurance
program for uninsurable people with pre existing injuries. That was great
insurance, bought me a Permobil and a Surehands ceiling lift. Though the
premiums were a lot. Just as I was moving out of state so losing that
insurance, I got a TDX3 from them.  I hated the electronics on that, the
jerky steering, the clanky electric legrests, the back hurt my shoulders a
lot. A year later with new insurance, I got a new TDX5, so much nicer. With
the same insurance still and the chair only 5 years old. I now might have to
wait awhile. It is breaking down a lot now. And with my back curving more. I
might need some major chair seat/back modifications. But I sure would like
11.6 mph.!


I'd love to take a chair to a motorcycle or car customizing shop. I'd cut a
bunch of needless stuff off, hide more wiring, maybe a custom cover over the
bottom half of the chair, a gps unit that could be tracked from a home
computer (incase of emergency), a flip down platform on the back a friend
could stand on, cstom legrests more like sport manual chairs, maybe a
armrest pad could flip open for a phone,  etc.


If you no longer need things adjustable, you could make things much
smoother.  Just make it to your size/.fit.  My armrest, thigh pads, joystick
bar, have all kinds of knobs, nuts, etc that could be left off. There are so
many things that could be done to make chairs better looking.





I might have missed something as the rules for obtaining a new chair has
changed in the last 5 years.  Just ask anyone who has received one.  What
you want, you may not get or you may get more.  Much depends on how well you
follow the protocol, with your doctor, occupational therapist, the DME's
ATS, they way the order is coded and pre-approval of CMS.  I know of some
who were surprised at what they got and others complained.  But there is
nothing wrong with starting a list and hoping that your doctor and CMS

Happy New Year

Best Wishes


In a message dated 1/2/2010 4:49:45 P.M. Central Standard Time,
bobbie...@aol.com writes:

Hopefully soon I can qualify for a new chair.


Greg, Start NOW making a list, literally, of things you want for your new
chair - right down to the size of the foot plates, arm rest size EVERYTHING.
~ Bobbie

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