Smiling.  Can you imagine those surviving in Canada and Upper  USA.  
Sticking your tongue to a flag pole will get you immediate  attention.  Quads 
playing outdoors, wearing only a long sleeve sweater,  enjoying the cold....... 
UNTIL they freeze and head indoors..... to warm the  body and then go out 
and play again.  Life in the Winter North.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 12/18/2014 12:07:12 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I don't  know how you cold wether guys can do it every day.
I was from Seattle and  that was bad enough. Now I'm spoiled in AZ.
Even our cold times it's  usually sunny. But, now and then we get a few 
rainy days.
I get so tight,  sore, and cold, on those days and my arms tingle 100x 
I'm wrapped up  and no matter how warm I get, I just can not relax unless I 
get sun.
I  think I'm physically and mentally addicted to the sun.
During the day, on  the times I'm not outside, I have a hard time doing 
anything for too long  without having to go out and sit in it for at least a 
little while. It relaxes  my muscles and I feel a lot better, then I go back 
to whatever I was doing.  Then just before sunset I have to go out and get my 
last fix of sun for the  night. It works so much better than any pain 
killer or muscle relaxer  medication.

Just don't think I could ever move  away,

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