I was almost in trouble today people. I got ready to attach my handcycle and 
headed out as normal. Made it just over a mile and dysreflexia started in with 
a combination of the sun and my blood pressure started creeping up like a 
monster. For some reason since I take pain pills a small amount of urine 300cc 
turns my body  dysreflexic and needs to catherize immediately. I turned around 
and started home but as soon as I peddled up the hill my vision was going a 
bit. Luckily I finally made it to my moms garage and took the handcycle off and 
tried to catherize in a urine bottle right then and there. As soon as the urine 
started coming out it got better, then I splashed some water all over my head. 
It reminded me of that story of the quad in the power chair that went to the 
park on a 95 plus day and got stuck I the sand. The guy was found dead face 
down in the sand a few hours later. What makes these challenges as a quad even 
tougher is people.......even family don't get it at all. They think you are 
making it up for fun or something. Its starting to suck with standard 
catherizations, especially getting out of bed every few hours during the night 
to cath. I wish I had a nurse in the family or something so I could attach a 
bag during the night at least but I guess Im not tough enough and need to stop 

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