I've been miserable for a few weeks now. First thought UTI, made a mistake and started my standby antibiotic before testing, but it kept getting worse. Went to Doc. Test was goofy because I started Cipro. Showed signs of UTI, but grew no cultures. Had abdomen xray to see if there was blockage, etc. Looked fine. Stayed on Cipro, but still bad after doses gone. Abdomen feels like its got a knife in there twisting. So off to the ER this morning. Full Cat-Scan with contrast. Everything fine. Changed cath 3 times in 2 weeks.
 Only thing thats ever caused this feeling has beenÂ… Cath not go in rightÂ… UTI, or taking some antibiotics. But this started before the meds. ER did another UTI test, tiny bit of germs, but normal for a cath. But trying a new antibiotic while doing a culture again.
When it felt this bad before, my abdomen would cramp causing terrible headaches and AD, but at least I don't have that.
Tried different pain meds and didn't dent it. Gad meds either.
Any ideas? I guess off o Urologist this week for a scope.

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