Oh yes... I forgot to mention that I buy fresh lemons and squeeze the lemon
juice into my water jug (52 miles water jug for the entire afternoon) and
then throw in half a lemon and save the other half for the next time which
is usually not the following day (because I alternate) But the day after
that. Lemon is great for a lot of things and including keeping your urine
pH and a desirable level if you haven't indwelling catheter which is for
those who are trying to avoid infections and that requires anywhere from a
6-7pH with the closer to 6 the better.

I just can't seem to avoid infections ever since I had my bladder neck
closure surgery and the follow-up cystoscopies and then being in the
hospital for a bladder biopsy where I acquired a nosocomial infection and
they are extremely hard to get rid of. My last year in culture and
sensitivity showed they had gone away and I was ecstatic but then my
symptoms came back and it took another urine sample to the lab and got the
results today which shows that it is back.  :-(

I hate being on so very many antibiotics for obvious reasons [antibiotic
resistance] But each and every one has been after the urologist has done a
cystoscopy and then being in the hospital this last time for the bladder
biopsy. Both bacteria that I have in my urine currently (I received the lab
report from the lab  since my urologist never gets back to me) are greatly
antibiotic resistant.

What's a quad to do when dependent upon the system. I never had any bladder
infections for six years before my husband's passing and then keeping me
out of harms way.  :-(

On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 3:36 PM, Jim Lubin <jlu...@eskimo.com> wrote:

> I avoid anything with high fructose corn syrup, which includes most soft
> drinks.
> I did find a health carbonated beverage that tastes good, Zevia
> https://www.zevia.com/ I buy it at Safeway but Amazon has it too.u
> I drink plain water but my mom uses these flavor packets, https://www.
> truelemon.com/
> On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 1:40 PM, Greg <g...@eskimo.com> wrote:
>> Thats more than I drink in 3 days.
>> And never water, I hate water. Coffee, Tea coke, juice.
>> I try and dink more than coffee, tea, but anything cold goes to my bones
>> and makes me freeze.
>> Greg
>> On 5/27/2018 10:14 AM, Jim Lubin wrote:
>> I never feel thirsty either. I drink fluids on a schedule (sort of). One
>> full 8 oz glass of water with my pills 4 times a day. A protein drink, 11
>> oz, in the morning. A 16 oz bottle of water with each meal, lunch and
>> dinner. A glass of water with Metamucil in the afternoon.
>> On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 7:49 PM, Greg <g...@eskimo.com> wrote:
>>> Even though it is almost 100 degree out and I sit outside for hours, I
>>> just never drink enough. I just don't get thirsty. I don't like drinking.
>>> Any of you have that prob?
>>> Greg

"Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog could be soothing to the mind and
heart and deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer." ~Dean

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