On 10/6/02 3:30 PM, Quadlist at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> My Performa 631CD has the longer LC-III PDS slot. I've installed a Farallon
>> ethernet card which is the regular LC PDS. According to the FAQ and my
>> experience, it should work. Indeed, MacTCP now shows "ethernet" as an
>> option. This leads me to believe that the problems I'm having getting online
>> are related to DHCP, not the ethernet card itself. The Peforma is running
>> System 7.5.3. I know that DHCP would not work properly in some older
>> versions; can anyone jog my memory?
> There were problems with DHCP prior to about OS 8.1 (maybe OS 8.6).
> A lot of this had more to do with poor implementation of DHCP servers
> than the Mac Client.
> What problems are you seeing?

In short - inability to get online. ;)

I'm going through a Linksys router. It sees the ethernet connection (light
on) but I can't access web sites, or anything. I'm going to try assigning
the Performa a static IP in the subnet and see if that helps.

FWIW, the PRAM battery is dead, too. I'm in pursuit of a new one. Don't know
if that has any effect.

I did have 8.1 on the Performa but took it back down to 7.5.3 for the speed.
This machine is going to do only two things: run AOL and Eric's Solitaire
Sampler. :P

*** Amber Rhea ***

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