Am 13.01.2017 um 09:32 schrieb Paul Tobias:
This is usually done by originating your prefixes on the core router.

In your case, set up a BGP session with the router on the other side of
the link, and originate your prefix from there.

Core router <-- iBGP --> Border router <-- eBGP --> Peer router

On the core router you have `network x.x.x.x/x` in your configuration.
On the border router you don't have any `network` prefixes, just
advertise the prefixes you get from the core router to the peer.

When the link between the core and border router goes down, you will
stop advertising the prefixes to the peer (so the traffic will be routed
over a backup path).
Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply! I also thought about this, but I have 2 core routers handling/advertising /22.
Is there a way to summarize on quagga to /20 for both core routers?



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