Hash: SHA512

Jean-Philippe Ouellet:
> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 10:51 PM, Jean-Philippe Ouellet <j...@vt.edu> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The way some things are distributed on kernel.org (e.g. util-linux
>> [1], cryptsetup [2], etc.) is such that the authors upload .tar and
>> .tar.sign files, and then the kernel.org infrastructure compresses
>> those (creating .tar.gz & .tar.xz) and signs all resulting files
>> (creating sha256sums.asc) using its own key. More info here [3]
>> Kernel.org does not make the original .tar files available, which
>> means there is no file available for which a signature directly from
>> the developers is also available. In order to check the developer's
>> provided signature, you must first unpack the file. I consider
>> unpackers to be of sufficient complexity that I would rather not run
>> them on arbitrary attacker-provided input.
> Specifically: I would rather not run unpackers on unverified
> attacker-controlled input, unsandboxed, in a trusted part of the
> builder.

I think it's good to improve the situation here. But keep in mind that
the IMO bigger problem is git. I.e. we already do a lot more processing
of unverified input. But I don't see a solution for this one currently.
(And of course ideally we would use a simpler signature verification
tool than GnuPG)

> Normally I'm more pragmatic and just don't care. Hooray for DispVMs :)
>> I could of course verify the signature of the auto-generated
>> sha256sums.asc file which covers all the files (including compressed
>> ones), but that means trusting kernel.org infrastructure - which was
>> compromised in 2011 and may well be compromised again in the future...
>> If I want to follow qubes packaging best practices [4] and ensure that
>> no untrusted code gets processed (including unpacked) by the builder,
>> it seems my best option is to manually download the .tar.gz, verify
>> the kernel.org sig, unpack it (possibly in a DispVM), verify the
>> developer's sig, and then pin the sha512 of the original file for
>> qubes-builder's verify-sources.

Pinning the hash is probably the less intrusive way. Another option
would be to use a shallow git-clone. 

I think it's important to keep qubes-builder working on a non-Qubes
system. But with a fallback the DispVM solution would also be an option.

I personally would prefer pinning the hash.

>> To be extra sure I can also re-compress and reproduce (almost) the
>> original .tar.gz file from the verified .tar file with `gzip --no-name
>> --best`, and then verify that only the 4 bytes for the timestamp [5]
>> are different.

The .xz is reproducible, see the other mail.

>> [1]: https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/v2.31/
>> [2]: https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/cryptsetup/v1.7/
>> [3]: 
>> https://www.kernel.org/signature.html#kernel-org-checksum-autosigner-and-sha256sums-asc
>> [4]: https://www.qubes-os.org/news/2016/05/30/build-security/
>> [5]: http://www.gzip.org/zlib/rfc-gzip.html#file-format


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