On Sunday, 14 January 2018 22:09:10 CET Marek Marczykowski-Górecki wrote:
> Ok, lets start with ~/.config/xdg/autostart/*.desktop. "files with
> key/value pairs", right? Those don't have executable bit either.

I'm not sure why you are trying really hard to misunderstand me :(

I wrote that this is a project about _config_ files. I wrote the _intention_ 
of those files and I even specifically wrote about how things that get 
executed are _not_ to be copied.
.desktop files are not config files. Shell scripts are not config files.

I don't understand why you trying so hard to misunderstand the goal?

None of the items you bring up fall within the concept I presented as a 
Yet you bring them up like they are reasons to reject the idea for a GSoC 

Investigating which files are secure to (not) include should definitely be 
part of the GSoC.  Its a learning project for students, research is a useful 
part of any GSoC project.

> > Having exectly one minion on the entire system doesn't make it a
> > management stack.
> Well, the above is about configuring dom0.

I think you misunderstood, nothing in the original proposal would ever need 
touch anything in dom0.
Tom Zander
Blog: https://zander.github.io
Vlog: https://vimeo.com/channels/tomscryptochannel

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