On 1/20/19 12:33 AM, Andrew David Wong wrote:
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On 18/01/2019 11.43 PM, thorsten.schie...@gmail.com wrote:
I am also interested in having encrypted vms (preferably having one password 
for each VM-group).
Let's assume I have one or more VMs for each customer which contain sensitive 
data that must not leak anywhere. While working for customer 1 I want to make 
sure that only VMs for customer 1 are decrypted and usable (along with my 
non-customer VMs). VMs from customer 2,3,... should be encrypted and 
unaccessible at this time. When I move to cusomer 2, only these VMs should be 
decrypted, etc.

My goals are:

- In the rare case I forget to lock my notebook at cusomer 1 I don't want 
anyone to be able to extract other customers data. (While not perfect in 
regards to dom0 security at least it makes sure no data can be stolen)

We actually have an open issue for this:


(I didn't see this mentioned in your message, so you may not be aware of

Or just encrypt all your customer A data inside a container or partition in dom0 and attach that to the right VM on demand whilst memorizing the respective password.

That would be ~20 lines of code or 5 min work per customer.

Anyway if your dom0 is compromised and you don't fully give up the machine, your data is compromised as well.

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