Would appreciate if someone could check that I'm not doing something stupid... 
(Don't see any docs regarding this.)

Use case: I want to store my Documents on a separate .img (on same Qubes SSD) 
so that only config files remain on my appVM. This should ease the upgrade 
process when I want to start with fresh appVMs and reduce chances of user error 
/ corruption of frequently moving large existing files.


1. create sparse file in dom0:
   `dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/lib/qubes/storage/myfiles.img bs=1024k seek=10000 

2. create filesystem on sparse file:
   `mkfs -t ext4 myfiles.img`

3. add file as disk device to /var/lib/qubes/appvms/myappvm.conf:
   <disk type='block' device='disk'>
      <driver name='phy' />
      <source dev='/var/lib/qubes/storage/myfiles.img' />
      <target dev='xvde' bus='xen' />

4. add /dev/xvde to /etc/fstab in appVM:
   /dev/xvde   /home/user/storage   ext4   defaults,noatime   0 0

5. start appVM

Any issues? TIA!


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