On 07/07/2016 03:41 AM, Drew White wrote:
> On Thursday, 7 July 2016 03:28:10 UTC+10, Andreas Rasmussen  wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I bought a Lenovo x230 and installed Qubes 3.1 early may. It has worked
>> like a charm, but in the last two or three weeks the computer has been
>> shutting down without warning or error message. It has happened five
>> times with no apparent pattern. It has both happened with both many and
>> few VM's open.
>> The crash goes like this: The screen freezes for 3-5 seconds, then the
>> computer reboots. I get no error message. The reboot looks like a normal
>> boot.
>> I have tried to look in the logfiles, but I'm not sure I'm looking the
>> right places. So for starters: Can anyone tell me what files to look in?
>> /var/log/messages only seem to have information about the session after
>> the crash, same goes for boot.log.
>> (My computer skills are limited, so please bare with me)
>> best,
>> Andreas
>> -- 
>> Andreas Rasmussen
>> Freelancejournalist (DJ)           Twitter: @flinkeandreas
>> Email: a...@andreas-rasmussen.dk     GPG: 7C72 581D 2645 7C25
> I would advise installing Qubes 3.0 if you have not yet.
> If that doesn't have the issue, then it's something in 3.1 that changed from 
> 3.0.
> I've had similar issues on another laptop. 3.0 didn't have an issue, 3.1 
> froze and crashed, and so did 3.2.
> So, go back a revision, if that doesn't work, put on version 2 and see if 
> that has issues.
> If 3.0 works, maybe just try reinstallign 3.1, it may just have been a bad 
> install, or else try installing it again first, before putting on 3.0.

The kernels shipping in 3.1 had a bug.  This has been corrected in the
qubes testing repo that has the kernel 4.4.10-14 package.  It's only
avaliable for 3.2.


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