On Monday, 1 August 2016 18:46:44 UTC-4, Andrew "Arthur" Summers  wrote:
> Does Xen have a native import/export format? I'm WAY more familiar with 
> VMware offerings (which handle loads of formats), but if there's a way to add 
> OVA import to Qubes down the road, I'd be in love. Heck, if there's an add-on 
> or a command to run from Dom0 that I could use now, I'm down.
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 5:43 PM <fmu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Friday, 29 July 2016 20:12:45 UTC-4, arthur....@gmail.comĀ  wrote:
> > I agree with the idea of having an option for a storage VM, but my 
> > agreement goes a little deeper (and forks a bit). I know that the primary 
> > goal of Qubes is security, but there are a lot of different use cases for 
> > it. I use it because I like the compartmentalization provided by VMs. 
> > Security is almost a secondary for me - I wanted a bare-metal client 
> > hypervisor. Since XenClient no longer exists and no other offerings are 
> > well maintained, I landed on Qubes. For my purposes, sharing storage would 
> > be great, but baking it in DOES defeat the primary goals of the project.
> >
> > Personally, I'm a huge fan of Turnkey Linux (http://turnkeylinux.org), and 
> > I use their stuff regularly to stand up infrastructure components or for 
> > testing. They have a fileserver VM, and it's pretty beautiful. Actually, 
> > all of their stuff is pretty beautiful. However, unless I missed something, 
> > I don't see an easy way to import an OVA/VMDK into Qubes. If that existed, 
> > I'd be happier than a dog with eight legs (yes, I said that). This would 
> > solve a lot of use cases, simplify the creation of third party HVMs, and 
> > still maintain the goals of the project.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> I don't know about OVAs, but I imported a Virtualbox VM. If you search for 
> virtualbox you'll find the post with the procedure. Maybe this link will 
> work: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/qubes-users/YQyRSoRQWCU

I haven't tested this. But it seems you just untar the OVA and then convert the 
disk with
qemu-img -S 4k -f vmdk -O raw image.vdi image.raw

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