>> This problem persists in 3.2rc2.
>> (And I get 0 errors on the same USB drive under Tails.  When I can find
>> the SATA power connector around here somewhere, I'll try moving the
>> drive
>> direct onto the SATA bus.)
> I think the problem *may* be that systemd has a default 90 second timeout
> on jobs, including unmounting root.
> On an external USB drive, due to slower transfer times, the shutdown
> process of all the VM's, killing processes, flushing buffers, etc.,
> happens to take long enough that a clean unmount of the drive doesn't get
> a chance to occur, leaned to a corrupted filesystem.

I am very new to systemd, but I believe the cause of my corruption is that
there may be a typo bug in one of the directives for systemd's

"systemctl show umount.target" reveals:

> JobTimeoutUSec=0

"man systemd.directives" and "man system.unit" do not show any such
directive; however, they do show "JobTimeoutSec" which I believe was
likely the intended directive, and which would set no limit on waiting for
that shutdown filesystem unmount, and I believe would prevent the
corruption I was seeing.

A zgrep of all the man pages shows no indication of JobTimeoutUSec being a
legit property.



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