Sounds like it could have been introduced in R3.1 Xen 4.6 for you
specifically due to your hardware. If that's the case, it wouldn't
be a good idea to note this on the page, since it might not apply
to others.

- --
Andrew David Wong (Axon)
Community Manager, Qubes OS

Thanks Andrew. That's interesting, I'd assumed it was a binary proposition 
introduced in 4.6 having only briefly scanned

If not I take your point however I still feel it should be referenced in some 
way on the upgrade instructions page to stop others potentially wasting the 
same time I did, and subsequently the lists time IF they run into it.

If the issue does not apply to users hardware, user will simply have no problem 
with their existing device to VM assignments and proposed note is ignored. 
Without a note, if it does apply to their hardware they may (stupidly) like me 
read the existing FAQ entry and assume pci strictreset is not the problem as 
otherwise problem would have begun in R3.0...

So perhaps it's the FAQ entry that needs clarifying? From a naive point of 
view, it makes sense that USB controllers might share some resources but on 
what appears to be "sensible" hardware that has one controller for USB ports 
and another for webcam etc it came as more of a surprise.



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