On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 6:04 PM, Nicklaus McClendon
<nickl...@kulinacs.com> wrote:
> I'm intrigued. How is qrexec utilized?

Something which I have not set up yet, but intend to soon, is a split
email server model, where the MTA and MDA are in separate VMs, and
incoming mail is delivered over qrexec. This would have the property
that an exploited SMTP server would not have any access to
already-delivered mails (assuming residual message contents are not
left hanging around in memory too long). Furthermore, I could have
multiple separate mail-sink VMs (with local mail storage and IMAP
servers), which are connected to separately via different instances of
my mail client on my Qubes laptop.

This means I could heuristically filter my mail based on assumed
purpose (for example, mail to a qubes mailing list go to one VM, mail
from my bank goes to another, etc.). This means a compromised mail
client on my Qubes laptop would be restricted to only the mail that
domain is expected to have, and pivoting from that compromised client
to compromising my IMAP server would not be sufficient to obtain the
mail from a different domain.

Additionally, the usual mail pipeline suspects like spamassasin,
clamav, etc. could be run in a DispVM per message (a super heavyweight
solution to be sure, but should not matter for personal mail workloads
on my own server).

> If you can't access dom0, qrexec is default allowed,

Uhh.... What? Can you elaborate?

As far as I understand and can verify, this is not the case:
[user@dom0 ~]$ /usr/lib/qubes/qrexec-policy --just-evaluate 56 disp8
disp9 qubes.Filecopy foo
[user@dom0 ~]$ echo $?
[user@dom0 ~]$ DISPLAY= /usr/lib/qubes/qrexec-policy --just-evaluate
56 disp8 disp9 qubes.Filecopy foo
qrexec-policy: cannot connect to X server
[user@dom0 ~]$ echo $?

> which removes the added security of it.

Definitely not entirely.

> If you're remotely accessing dom0, you're adding the networking stack to the 
> TCB,

Not necessarily. At least your NIC need not be trusted, potentially more.

> and once again have a basic Xen installation with extra unnecessary overhead.

... and if overhead is your primary concern, why even bother with Xen
at all? Why not use containers or such.

> qrexec with a networked dom0 doesn't seem anymore secure than using SSH to 
> run remote scripts between networked VMs.

Assuming you mean SSH between the VMs, I'm not sure I agree.
Networking has a much larger attack surface, and you are relying on
crypto with keys that can be stolen rather than vchan where the
authenticity of source and dest and integrity of msg contents are
already trusted. OTOH, OpenSSH has a pretty stellar track record and
has likely received more scrutiny than vchan (which I have not audited
myself yet either), so I can certainly understand the contrary
argument too.

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