On 02/01/2017 04:09 AM, Chris Laprise wrote:
> On 01/31/2017 03:55 PM, Alex wrote:
>> What I don't understand is... is this thing really comparing ~50GiB
>> of disk on every boot with a stream of 50 billion zeros just to see
>> if a filesystem exists? It's weird, because if this was the case I
>> would have to wait a long time on every boot, while this does not
>> happen; on 1 in 3 boots, the VM starts up in ~20 seconds instead of
>> the usual 5 minutes.
> I have VMs with even larger /rw filesystems, and they start in about
> 7 sec. under Debian 9. I don't think I have ever experienced this
> issue with Fedora 23/24 either.
> My guess about the dd|diff comparison in 'setup-rwdev.sh' is that
> diff is closing its connection with dd as soon as it sees non-zero
> data. This should cause both dd and diff to terminate immediately.
If this is the case, then I don't understand why the check is made this
way. Why not check only the first 512MiB, for example? No reasonable FS
would leave that much space wasted.

Anyway, I've had this same problem today (Long time for that unit), and
I had the logged proof that the diff does take less than one second to
complete, but after the resize2fs pass, I have an error in the log,
saying "Please run 'e2fsck -f /dev/xvdb' first.".

I'll dig further to inspect why the volume was somehow marked as "not
clean", because last shutdown was trouble-free (no fsck should be
needed), and because the wait for this unit (the fsck took 1'40" to
complete) caused a qrexec-not-connected error, that prevented the
automated completion of the boot process and the launch of some programs.


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