On 02/03/2017 06:52 PM, Chris Laprise wrote:
> On 02/03/2017 10:30 AM, Alex wrote:
>> Anyway, I've had this same problem today (Long time for that
>> unit), and I had the logged proof that the diff does take less than
>> one second to complete, but after the resize2fs pass, I have an
>> error in the log, saying "Please run 'e2fsck -f /dev/xvdb'
>> first.".
>> I'll dig further to inspect why the volume was somehow marked as 
>> "not clean", because last shutdown was trouble-free (no fsck
>> should be needed), and because the wait for this unit (the fsck
>> took 1'40" to complete) caused a qrexec-not-connected error, that
>> prevented the automated completion of the boot process and the
>> launch of some programs.

Same issue (long boot time) happening again today; a specific appVM
(which has been resized multiple times in the last 2 years) took 2'40"
to run an e2fsck pass. No errors reported from fsck (I added a couple
rows in /usr/lib/qubes/init/setup-rwdev.sh). After it was run, resize2fs
stopped complaining.

I discovered that resize2fs seems to be extremely picky about date and
time, particularly regarding the check about last fsck run: from
http://blog.bastelhalde.de/?p=746 i see
> After an hour of searching I found out that the time settings of your
> system (hardware clock and software clock) have to be correct to let
> rezise2fs check your last run of e2fsck.
So this latency, and the fact that fsck seems to be run nearly on every
boot, may have to do with time being inconsistent (actually, all VM
environments are known for time issues).

On 02/03/2017 06:52 PM, Chris Laprise wrote:
> Good luck. I have an opposite issue: VMs on newer templates (Debian 
> 9, Fedora 25) are taking up to 3min to shutdown.
> Chris
I've had some problems in the past with shutdown because of some issues
in pulseaudio; you can try to investigate with the last lines of a
guest.log from the affected machines. Now I'm not having this situation


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