Hi all,
I've been trying to use MonoDevelop 6, now distributed as a flatpak
package instead of the usual RPM (fedora 25).

I've had some problems in trying to run it, mainly because of an obscure
error message "Can't mount proc on /newroot/proc: Operation not permitted".

Further debugging had me starting flatpak with "-v" (verbose) option,
where I discovered that flatpak is just a wrapper around bubblewrap (no
pun intended).

Investigating bubblewrap led me to
https://github.com/projectatomic/bubblewrap/issues/134 where a Qubes
user laments a non-working sandboxed tor browser.

There Marek casually mentions /proc/xen being the cause of this
situation, and actually unmounting it allows MonoDevelop to start.

Since this issue is already tracked for TOR browser here
https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/2540 I'm not suggesting
to open another issue; instead, I commented on the issue reporting that
the impact is wider than TOR browser and I'm writing to the mailing list
to let other puzzled flatpak-distributed-software-users know.


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