On 02/17/2017 05:19 AM, evo wrote:
Hi everybody!

I have the very strange problem after using qubes.
It's hard to describe.

My Laptop (Thinkpad T520 4243) is now a bit louder and by going on
buttons, links and everything that has to do with grafics (plaing
videos, loading software or website) makes noise that is similar to the
noise of HDD while it works (i have SSDs). Just strange cracking. Not
very loud, but still good to hear.

For the first i thought it was just a malfunction of the laptop and i
send it back. But now i have a new one and become just the same problem.

I think it has something to do with the virtualization.
But i have no idea how can virtualization crash something in that way.

Cubes was running on SSD in the optical bay.

So as it seems, i crashed with qubes the second laptop and i don't know,
what should i tell the seller now.

Do somebody have an idea?


Look up "laptop coil whine". The sound is usually accompanied by a "chattering" or "clicking" as the power supplied to different components is modulated. I believe systems made between 2007 and 2010 were especially prone to this effect.

Virtualization can affect the power consumption patterns on the motherboard, perhaps making the effect more noticeable.


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