On Monday, April 10, 2017 at 2:55:42 PM UTC-4, Reg Tiangha wrote:
> On 04/10/2017 12:41 PM, Chris Laprise wrote:
> >
> > Changing something in /usr/local/bin (or I assume /rw/usrlocal/bin)
> > requires privilege escalation. If sudo has no auth process, then there
> > is no challenge for the attacker... they can change /rw/usrlocal in
> > any case.
> >
> > But also, they can change /rw/config including rc.local and firewall
> > scripts which run as root!
> >
> > BTW, my "better question" above really referred to the non-home areas
> > of /rw.
> >
> Ah, got it. Well, that's something, I suppose.
> >>
> >> While my versions do exactly what you would expect them to do, the
> >> difference is that each time you launch one of my versions, it starts up
> >> a key logging service (no root required!) in the background that
> >> persists even after you close the app that launched it. So for that
> >> entire session (assuming that AppVM is connected to the Internet), I can
> >> capture all of your keystrokes. And because /usr/local is persistent and
> >> you probably don't constantly check /usr/local for changes (because
> >> again, you're not paranoid), those programs will stick around and launch
> >> the next time you access the VM.
> >
> > But this is a problem for things like ~/.bashrc as well. Using PATH=
> > or alias, attacker could divert you to a phony `git` command that logs
> > your github password before executing the intended operation.
> >
> > That's why I suggest people consider enabling sudo auth and securing
> > shell init scripts in /home (see my post "Protect AppVM init startup
> > scripts"). You could even have an in-template startup script that
> > resets most of /rw (root-owner bits) to defaults.... really shouldn't
> > be hard.
> >
> > In that case, your attack scenario hinges on having a Linux escalation
> > exploit, and even then it might not last long enough for you to
> > collect valuable info (e.g. resets or updates occur that patch the
> > vulnerability).
> >
> >
> Still, though, let's say such Linux escalation exploit exists and a
> malicious person can access the AppVM's (let's set aside TemplateVMs for
> a moment) file system. They can't stick anything in most places in /
> because they'll disappear when the VM shuts down. Changes in /home/user
> could work, but because users interact with /home on a daily basis
> through shells or file browsers, the likelihood of them noticing changes
> there might be a bit higher so that might not be the smartest move. But
> how many here on this list regularly check their app/sys VMs for
> modifications to /usr/local? I'm doubting it's very many, and that I
> guess is my main concern.
> Some people may not even be aware that it *is* persistent, so people who
> use something like Whonix who've been targeted might even have stuff
> living in /usr/local right now and may not even know it (since privilege
> escalation exploits in tor-browser seem to be found every so often).
> I'm definitely going to apply your scripts to my TemplateVMs soon now
> that I've been made aware, but I wish there were a way to turn off
> persistent /usr/local and to make AppVMs use the TemplateVM's version
> instead. I don't use the feature, so I would prefer that /usr/local gets
> wiped every time like everything else in the root file system since
> that's the behaviour I expected to happen when I first started using
> Qubes (I only discovered for myself that it wasn't the case when I was
> trying to figure out why a custom-compiled version of Wine that I had
> made and installed in my TemplateVM wasn't showing up in my AppVM; its
> default prefix is /usr/local, which is why). Is there a way to turn off
> persistent /usr/local? Or is it something that's baked-in?

absolutely! great discussion!

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