I'm experimenting by installing on a Thinkpad T500, which has integrated 
(intel) graphics.  Since the install freezes after loading the initrd, I try 
installing in "basic graphics mode".  A lot of text streams by, of which I can 
only see the end, but I notice:

"Not asking for VNC because we don't have a network"  [But we do!]
"X startup failed, falling back to text mode"

I try to look at the logs using Alt-Tab, but I don't see any way to scroll up 
to see above the last page.  Is there some way to do this?  (It looks like 
screen or tmux.  Is that right?)

Then, I try setting things up, using the text mode, and find myself stuck on 
the auto-partitioner.  I've tried various routes through, but using mostly 
default (/dev/sda, use all space, LVM), I get:

"Generating updated storage configuration.  
Storage configuration failed. Autopart failed.
Encryptation requested for LUKS device sda2, but no ecryption key specififed 
for this device"

I've tried dropping to the shell and deleting all partitions (no help), 
partitioning the disk by hand (no help), then setting up swap and using 
cryptsetup to make a LUKS partition for root (no help).  I can easily set up 
the partitions myself, but I don't know how to get it to recognize what I've 
done. Anyone have thoughts?


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