On Sunday, May 7, 2017 at 10:59:09 AM UTC-4, dev...@gmail.com wrote:
> I'm experimenting by installing on a Thinkpad T500, which has integrated 
> (intel) graphics.  Since the install freezes after loading the initrd, I try 
> installing in "basic graphics mode".  A lot of text streams by, of which I 
> can only see the end, but I notice:
> "Not asking for VNC because we don't have a network"  [But we do!]
> "X startup failed, falling back to text mode"
> I try to look at the logs using Alt-Tab, but I don't see any way to scroll up 
> to see above the last page.  Is there some way to do this?  (It looks like 
> screen or tmux.  Is that right?)
> Then, I try setting things up, using the text mode, and find myself stuck on 
> the auto-partitioner.  I've tried various routes through, but using mostly 
> default (/dev/sda, use all space, LVM), I get:
> "Generating updated storage configuration.  
> Storage configuration failed. Autopart failed.
> Encryptation requested for LUKS device sda2, but no ecryption key specififed 
> for this device"
> I've tried dropping to the shell and deleting all partitions (no help), 
> partitioning the disk by hand (no help), then setting up swap and using 
> cryptsetup to make a LUKS partition for root (no help).  I can easily set up 
> the partitions myself, but I don't know how to get it to recognize what I've 
> done. Anyone have thoughts?
> /D

I'm probably a 3 out of 1-10 scale in my expertise on this, hopefully someone 
else can jump it too - but I ran into some similiar issues. Check this out: 

Notes like disabling VT-d on the ThinkPads, in the bios. Also had to disable 
some other things - look around there as a start, if you haven't already.


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