On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 6:26:10 AM UTC-4, Ahmed Al Aqtash wrote:
> Hello!
> I got a ThinkPad X270 that I am trying to install Qubes 3.2 on, but the 
> installer consistently refuses to load the GUI.
> It loads up anaconda text mode, and I can't seem to finish the installation 
> through this interface, since it keeps marking some elements as faulty.
> My BIOS setup:
> Virtualisation enabled (tried enabling and disabling VT-d)
> Secure Boot disabled, and only booting in legacy (I get a completely 
> different problem when trying to boot with EFI, and it doesn't really matter 
> much to me, as long as I can install)
> I have tried increasing the initial reserved RAM for the display to 512 MB (I 
> recall finding a thread before stating that this weird setting would fix the 
> installer loading the GUI)
> I created the USB with DD on ubuntu.
> The X.log in /tmp/X.log states that no screen could be found, but I think I 
> have the same issue as here 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/qubes-devel/XN6JrEXVOVA but I have no 
> clue as to how to fix it :S
> Many thanks for your help in advance!
> Hoping to hear from anyone
> -- 
> Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
> Ahmed Al Aqtash
> >^_^>

What do you mean keeps marking elements as faulty?

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