Hello Ron,

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [qubes-users] How to recover VMs copied before reinstall?
> Local Time: 26 September 2017 4:58 PM
> From: ro...@shaw.ca
> [...] I want to access my existing ones from the previous install, not create 
> new ones. I put a lot of hours into getting them set up the way I wanted 
> them, and they contain important data I don"t want to lose. [...]

I am also building all sys- / template- and App-VMs based on the available 
templates in Qubes. As I would like to rollout Qubes for friends and maybe also 
co-workers I have documented each step when configuring/provisioning new AppVMs 
or templates.

I've written a handful scripts which will take the default qubes-templates and 
apply all updates / packe installation and post-configuration tasks without 
user interaction.
This reduces time rebuilding the system but also allows another backup policy 
where I only store the data and reinstall everything else from my scripts.

If you're interested I can forward them to you.


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