On 09/26/2017 09:36 AM, Ron Hunter-Duvar wrote:
On September 26, 2017 9:20:57 AM MDT, 'One7two99' via qubes-users 
<qubes-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Hello Ron,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [qubes-users] How to recover VMs copied before
Local Time: 26 September 2017 4:58 PM
From: ro...@shaw.ca

[...] I want to access my existing ones from the previous install,
not create new ones. I put a lot of hours into getting them set up the
way I wanted them, and they contain important data I don"t want to
lose. [...]

I am also building all sys- / template- and App-VMs based on the
available templates in Qubes. As I would like to rollout Qubes for
friends and maybe also co-workers I have documented each step when
configuring/provisioning new AppVMs or templates.

I've written a handful scripts which will take the default
qubes-templates and apply all updates / packe installation and
post-configuration tasks without user interaction.
This reduces time rebuilding the system but also allows another backup
policy where I only store the data and reinstall everything else from
my scripts.

If you're interested I can forward them to you.

I'm not sure if that will help, but I'll take a look. If I can at least get my 
files into new appvms of the same name, it would do the trick.

Turns out there's an easy way to restore my files and firewall settings. Here's what I did for each VM:

1. Create a new appvm of the same name and type as the old one (with the old ones in a different location of course).

2. Start then stop the appvm (to ensure it's properly initialized).

3. Copy the firewall.xml, private.img and volatile.img files from the old one to the new one.

4. Start the appvm, and everything's back where it should be (other than menu customizations, and possibly previously installed apps).

I don't know if all these steps are required (particularly #2, and both img files in #3), but the recipe works, so I'm sticking with it.

The hardest part was actually restoring the old appvm files, given the deliberate roadblocks to moving files into dom0.


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