
Currently I still need to run a 2nd OS to use VMware Workstation to 
prepare/test VMs/Setup for customers.

I'd like to prepare VMs in Qubes and then migrate/export them to the customers 
environment which are mostly based on VMware vSphere/ESXi.


a) How can I get a (H)VM out of Qubes into a VMware VM. If I know what to do, I 
can script this to get a good workflow.
Worst Case Szenario would be to backup the VM, then manually create a new VM in 
vSphere, boot with a live Linux and recover the VM - so mainly migrating the 
harddrive from Qubes/Xen to a VMware .vmdk/virtual harddrive

Other possible approach:

b) Is it possible to do "nested virtualization" and create something like a 
'monster-VM" in Qubes in which I install VMware Workstation or ESXi to 
prepare/test VMs and then export them from there?

c) Do you have any other idea how to use Qubes as primary OS to provision VMs 
locally and migrate them to vSphere/ESXi at the end of the workflow?
Or is this task not solveable in a good way with Qubes?

Working with Qubes at the customer location would greatly improve security for 
both sides as I can use separate VMs for each customer or work with disposable 
VMs when connecting to the network.p

Kind regards


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