On 11/22/2017 07:25 PM, xeph...@gmail.com wrote:

This is quite late, but now that UEFI is supported...is secure boot?  Wasn't 
quite sure what key or signature to import.
Why are all the newbies here so obsessed with a microsoft technology?

Just shut it off, it provides no benefit to you. If their code is so great and beneficial to you why not simply install windows 10? they say it is safe and secure just like SB 2.0...

"Secure" boot isn't secure, it is an anti-feature designed to eventually remove the ability for average joes to install and boot linux - while SB 1.0 included a owner control mandate this was conveniently left out of SB 2.0 after the SB 1.0 media circus died down with the goal being the eventual blocking of linux via attrition of board makers no longer wanting to take the extra effort to allow for owner control or even add the second SB key which allows people to boot the red hat signed version of grub2.

If you have to ask for permission to run code it isn't your computer and you do not own it you are simply purchasing a lease on it. I for one would never buy such a thing and neither should you (I have re-programmed the firmware on all my workstations/servers - they are owner controlled and are truly mine with no hardware code signing enforcement anti-features - doesn't that sound better?)

Tell me, how does it prevent a rootkit? why couldn't that hypothetical rootkit simply modify another critical system file instead of the bootloader or kernel? or disable SB? (already root, hence rootkit - if you have a zero day for windows you certainly have one for SB as well)

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