On Wed, January 3, 2018 11:55 am, stephenatve...@gmail.com wrote:
> https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/01/02/intel_cpu_design_flaw/
> http://pythonsweetness.tumblr.com/post/169166980422/the-mysterious-case-o
> f-the-linux-page-table
> It seems as if Linux countermeasures will involve a significant rewrite
> aka. FUCKWIT.
> Is this perhaps why there is no final 4.0 release?

Believe PCI passthrough had been the major holdup for 4.0 release but I
could be wrong. I'm curious to see if Xen/Qubes is impacted as well. One
article says there was a rumor Xen was, another says there are comments in
the code that Xen PV/HVM is not. Embargo lifts on the 4th, so there should
be more facts then. Wouldn't want to engage in making speculative
assumptions (cough).

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