On 01/22/2018 02:28 AM, pixel fairy wrote:
qubes 4.0rc3

Id like to make custom launchers for two purposes

1. easily run apps from custom dispvms. using shell scripts for now.

2. make alternate launchers with different icons. for example, the twitter bird 
icon in a twitter app-vm.

tried making desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications, but they dont show 
up in menus. what else does one need to do?

I'm still on Q3.2, but I think my method would still apply to 4.rcX;

The dom0 ~/.local file structure gets rewritten often during software updates, and your *.desktop files would also need to be embedded in the associated *.menu files or they will not get referenced and displayed in the Qubes menu.

What I do is to put the custom *.desktop in the software template of the associated user vm, and then when any software updates or installs happen, they automatically show up in dom0 and are rendered and ready to use with the "Add more shortcuts" app menu add or remove function. Qubes also has a sync menu function which should also work for this.

For instance, just yesterday I decided it would be useful to have some VM's to have a "Shutdown" menu entry, because I often need to start one VM temporarily, for quick data access, and then shut it down a few seconds later as not to consume cpu or memory. I just copied fedora-26:/usr/share/applications/xterm.desktop to */shutdown.desktop, edited the contents then did a dnf update, which pushed those desktop files over to dom0. Now the shutdown entry can be added to any menu very quickly if/when needed. The one catch is selecting an appropriate icon for that function since the previous one (xterm) had a specific meaning that you would not want to confuse. Anything currently unused is fair game.

The one downside is when you upgrade qubes software templates (e.g. fedora-26 -> fedora-27 template), if you are starting with the clean rpm version you need to remember to copy all those extra *.desktop files to the next version of the templates. I generally just upgrade my template in place as that retains any other custom tweaks I may have done.

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