On Wednesday, March 21, 2018 at 2:29:29 PM UTC-4, Unman wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 09:27:15AM -0700, cooloutac wrote:
> > maybe simply sudo mount -o remount,size=5000M /tmp  will work.  I'll try it 
> > when I get a chance to use the qubes machine.  But I think the problem is I 
> > need to increase the whole system storage.  And Uman is refusing to tell me 
> > how.  The qubes instructions dont' give detailed instructions.  they just 
> > give the qvm-grow-root command.
> If you're using a Template based appVM then you need to resize the
> root.img of the Template - that's what the error message tells you if
> you use qvm-grow-root on such a qube.
> You'll need to resize the template and shut it down and then restart the
> qube to see the new size.
> That command you've cited will work for resizing /tmp and /dev/shm.
> > 
> > I find it strange uman asks me what I mean by system storage and  Asks me 
> > if I'm using root user lol  wtf...
> > 
> I didn't ask if you were using root to run the download. Obviously I should 
> have
> done.

As I've said I already did this.  and restarted the template.  and saw no 

And why would I use root user? You did ask me this and what does that even mean 
there is no root in qubes appvm??

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