On 09.03.2018 00:57, taii...@gmx.com wrote:
AMD stuff is the best choice, they don't artificially hobble
virtualization on their regular cards and they work out of the box.

The reason things break and you need to re-compile every time you
update your kernel with a new nvidia card in your system is because
they make an effort to slow down the nouveau project and in the case
of their brand new cards entirely block it via hardware code signing
enforcement and not even providing any firmware blobs.

There are a variety of single slot half height low power AMD cards but
if you want something newer the only choice is the more expensive
professional series with a fan - the WX4100 for instance is half
height but not passively cooled.

You can obtain a 54xx passively cooled card for around $30-50 but that
is a quite old chipset (although you can install openradeonbios on it)

Ok, 4.0 Qubes is out so I am more motivated than ever before. I took a look at the WX4100 which looks fantastic, but perhaps is more than I need (and more than I can afford).

I can do without the passively cooled part, esp if it will bring the price down a bit (I am hoping for something in the low 100s USD).

In terms of requirements, I suppose (to simplify things) the main criteria I have are low 100s USD, low profile, and at least two ports, though 4 would like the WX4100 would of course be awesome. I am totally open to used, and am not looking for bleeding edge.

Thoughts? Please!! :)

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