On 05/07/2018 05:35 PM, cr33dc0...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
>> Am Montag, 7. Mai 2018 15:15:30 UTC+2 schrieb Ivan Mitev:
>> Hi,
>> On 05/07/2018 04:00 PM, cr33dc0d3r wrote:
>>> Hey All, 
>>> i know about the method to copy a file between Dom0 and DomU's and also 
>>> about the way how to directly copy a file from AppVM to AppVM with 
>>> qvm-copy-to-vm.
>>> My Question is: 
>>> Is there a way to execute a command on Dom0 that is like: copy 
>>> [source-vm][path] [dest-vm][path] ?
>> you could use `qvm-run sourcevm "qvm-copy /path/to/file` but you'd get a
>> popup to select the destination VM and you can't set the destination
>> path. Probably not what you want.
>> Alternatively, pass I/O from one VM to the other with a pipe. For a file:
>> qvm-run -p sourcevm "cat /path/to/file" | qvm-run -p destvm "cat >
>> /path/to/file"
> When i tried this, sh and cat throw "No such file or directory" errors.
> Already checked: test.txt is in the wanted dir: /home/user/documents/test.txt 
> Are there Version-specific ways to execute such an command? (Im using R3.2)

Not sure about 3.2 specifics (I'm on 4.0) but it should work too.

I see that the last '/path/to/file' after "cat > was line wrapped.
Are you sure you wrote everything in one line ? Here's the same command,
line escaped:

qvm-run -p sourcevm "cat ~/documents/test.txt" | \
  qvm-run -p destvm "cat > ~/test-from-sourcevm.txt"

>> for a dir you'll likely have to tar to stdout and untar in the destvm
>> from stdin.
>>> Hopefully it is.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jonny

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