This device at this time completes the advanced security for Gmail accounts that is email.
I prefer that they be found from another retailer I have heard things about Amazon that cause me to want a secure shipping method offered by the merchant.
But it's possible if not from say if they in fact offer a more secure shipping method that there exist other merchants offering more secure shipping methods.
You think all Cadillacs are saved by but the wrong model is not a safe by GM Motors does not make all cars equal or worthy of trust Chevrolet the first Nova was good subsequently because perhaps they needed to change the design 2 continue the price as the price of the car originally designed would increase because of the demand for the parts in the original configuration and Source the new parts at l o enough cost to keep that same model inline with the original pricing from the manufacturer's suggested retail price MSRP stable and not continue to go up and up although maybe they should continue with the original design because people know it and will pay more with the knowledge that they are getting a trustworthy car apparently that's not the way it works or would they not have done that but then again if they had done it would they have gone bankrupt Etc.
Enter in any case I am just looking for these two extra security features for a Gmail email account that last longer than what I have become accustomed to and not happy with because they do not last long I believe it is simply because the password is changed and I don't know it and Gmail cannot determine if it is returning you your account or if you are just trying to ruse your way into obtaining control of an account at cetera.
Anyway it's a device you're using is compromised I do not know because I have not researched enough but using the physical device key May will give itself away the Institute is plugged into said, revised device I would assume that but still if possible I would like to try to secure an email account and this is the first one I have seen that offers to things devices necessary to secure under what they term extra security. Inter
Again payment for these is no problem for me but we receive our mail at a PO Box as the neighborhood mail carrier and residence seem not to be able to keep the United States Postal Service working as it should and the fact is sometimes things sent to PO boxes are returned.
I spoke with a representative my cell phone provider and was told PO Boxes sometimes return replacement phones which are $25 for a good ZTE phone which I have replaced once before and they do not provide any upgraded security shipping options so I am looking for a bring your own device the device must have been available for the Sprint network or simply I believe it's called jailbroken so that it can be used on any network. Inter
I have just recently purchased and returned after testing and finding that the device was satisfactory but did not feel comfortable in the way it has been activated I would like to have the device merely for its abilities without using it on Wi-Fi or connecting to cell towers as this is the way other than plugging something into the phone any phone in the case Android is easy 4 for one determined or a determined foe 2 compromise and stand between you as a man in the middle where you see your screen but it is like looking into a kiosk with the information being perhaps true or false and you have no way of knowing which it is wow the one who really controls the device perhaps that is simulator except the simulator is actually the way the one who has true control over the phone makes the settings and those settings include what to report as being or having special privileges like changing system settings and covering up other apps which cause you to believe you are seeing an app and its information but in reality a different app has been given permission a specific permission through Android 2 appear on top of other apps.
It's not a new feature it is necessary when you need a pop up so that you can say for instance choose a file when you are running a program that is not a file manager but needs you to choose a file or photo overall complete some action which it does not provide the means to do the means to but would call on another app this second that must be able at is have permission to appear above or on top of the app requesting this extra information I file a picture or whatever it must exist but if misused it can make the user of not just an Android phone Google's os4 mobile phones and not pixel however pixel will have the same ability or any Apple phone would need to say more who created application it makes it difficult for the operator if this isn't used to determine whether the settings for instance are those desired because the app which has been given the permission to cover up the original and legitimate application shows that the settings are as desired but underneath the settings are not represented correctly and so the operator desire for settings is overwritten without knowledge of its being done. Inter you certainly were right to avoid all online social applications.
That was genius I hope you have continued to 100% steer clear of anything even resembling what is called a social app as it is a free methods of collecting information about you which is private and of course in the 102 1000-page user agreement if you read it you understand the information becomes property of the social app provider and even of course as everyone knows Facebook does not delete something when you press delete it only hides from site but it is misleading because it means it cannot be retrieved however Facebook even though you clicked or chose to delete something that pose photo anything Facebook can retrieve it I will.
This is all though to protect themselves they cannot have for instance people abusing other users and then simply deleting the history of it so there is no evidence.
So it is fine if it is used for good purposes on the up-and-up however if not then if it's information you later realize you wish you had not shared then there is no feature which allows you to identify such a piece of information and have it then truly removed if there is it would involve a court order and if you are just trying to remove something that might be embarrassing to your family like calling your aunt fat you certainly don't want to go through it such a procedure and if it is information which is not true let us assume or say and you go through the procedure it caused all the attention to it that you are originally and specifically trying to avoid.
That is the catch 22 and 88 and several other catches that make it all the sense to avoid such situations applications social sharing systems all together.
Mama was looking at a La the other day which prompted her to say then in protest all the users should resign their accounts of course YouTube does not let you delete your account you can only put them on a type of hiatus and they can be restored to the point exactly where they were put on pause but there is no delete.
Perhaps in Europe there is a true delete because of their right to be forgotten law and their willingness to force their will by litigation against Microsoft or Facebook however in the end you really can't tell if you're forgotten when asked again you can be told thank you for your request you are now forgotten however really you merely can no longer see yourself the information although it still exist on some server somewhere at some level hopefully that is true it is being held by responsible people for you to protect you. People without scruples unscrupulous people who may look for ways to compromise people with power so they may appropriate that power to themselves people with families or good jobs are good targets to compromise if they have power because a you get the power and be the person has something very important to lose or have threatened Toulouse.
Sorry to be morose or negative I'm just pointing out how could an idea it was so long ago as far as I know without your being advised to choose not to be a part of these social applications like Facebook and those that resemble them and there are many including Twitter and to list them all would be too much.
I would like to give you our PO box if you haven't got it but surely mama has given you our PO box it is as it does not come to our neighborhood a more secure way to send mail to us but it is not as far as and delivering it by hand to the one who would use it to decrypt your emails you sent to them.
I have tried to get people on board with so much so that no one has ever gone through even simple procedures to cause their emails to be encrypted so that common low ordinary criminals cannot read phone numbers or credit card numbers or bank account numbers et cetera only the state and we must Trust that the state is on our side and looking out for us even if they store metadata in amounts that it is difficult to imagine or is in comprehensible and it's shear size that is its amount but if the intent is to safeguard then the state is doing us a favor.
Again we are protecting ourselves from hoodlums who would skim from our bank accounts or order in our names devices that we would pay for but they would use or more disturbingly order things in our names paying for them with our payment methods and whether they are received or not which would cause you not to know it had been done what item they ordered could implicate you in a situation where as it is said you are being set up.
As a computer programmer having gone through college level programming classes from computer science Ph.D. I like who has her degree from Oxford in England.. funny she was called Miss not doctor she did not have a Ph.D. but we knew how much of computers as we know them were invented perfected created and so forth in England including before anyone had any need for Boolean mathematics George pool another Brit gave us Boolean arithmetic just as a paper to show how a number system a mathematical system could be operated buy only two digits being zero and one later on and off as computers are 0 and 1 on and off had to have a mathematics system fully vetted by genius George bull or bull Boole or it simply would not be able to conduct arithmetic which is only job everything else you see it do comes from that ability and is just to make things easier on you to use the machine they were first World War I forced them if for no other reason because they had to crack the Enigma code used by the Germans and even though they added extra Wheels to their Enigma machines the idiosyncrasies of each machine and the specific behaviors of the many operators gave Clues overtime that eventually always lead the British to be able to decode and finally know exactly where all fuel Depots of Hitler’s were located they could decrypt the messages that told where Hitler’s fuel was to land that ability was so important chief in fact and causing Hitler not to be able to move his armies forward even as they were unable to supply they’re not just their front lines but any line with food as the people in the cities including the capital we’re going hungry as all food was available if there was any was sent to the Troops that is Hitler’s troops set with the shut off of fuel is mechanized Army could not go forward and this along with the development and refinement Britain’s made refining radar Place far out far out so they could see the Blitzkrieg on its way in could give alarm and cause the people to shelter and to cover up turn out lights and generally prepare for Air Raids because they could tell which direction they were going and what Target they were probably going to hit if they did not know exactly because they may have decrypted Hitler’s messages over his Enigma machines.
In any case as she is English with the Upper Crust accent including a with a beautiful script she used to write on the chalkboard teaching us data structures which was difficult but we are talk talked our education includes first programming and then second in the subject how to secure it building into us kind of concern a serious concern which is meant to cause us to program or code as they now say programs in a way it's cause them to be resilient to spoofing that is counterfeiting information resulting in attacks that full the computer or software into giving access not meant to be giving Etc.
Including all the new innumerable attacks known as exploits often and all innumerable attacks as new software and Hardware is created and marketed to users at all levels consumers institutions hospitals Veterans Administration like hospitals which are hospitals after all and have lots of data on lots of people and that is just valuable if you know how to use it I suppose because I certainly don’t know how one would profit from a bunch of VA data … I thought and government even that is software and Equipment meant for military use which obviously needs the highest level of protection but how can you assure perfection you have to see it fail before you can know for certain that there is an exploitable error and fix it that is where testers come in and again the practice of teaching programmers error catching and mitigation so that an error is not invoked on purpose to cause a program to go in a direction it was never intended to go this is a definition of an exploit with very complicated large systems and programs with many modules inconstant update and change and so forth it’s difficult to maintain 100% confidence that no exploit as described or of any kind exist.
It is one of the reasons I suggest that sensitive information no matter how nice it would be if it is made easy to share information widely in the quote Cloud quote because adversaries no need to name names merely need to gain access to a system which is connected to a system itself which the world has access to instead of using a system that is gapped completely from access ability accessibility from in that way in that manner but people think they can make it 100% or close enough explode proof and maybe they do but we are here stories above secrets not necessarily military but intellectual property for instance being taken because it is accessible through the system World Wide Web using a plethora of devices that is software… It boggles my mind to think that it’s possible to do that because 1 not knowing absolutely for certain that information could not be taken by exploit of some type would automatically choose to remove access to that information by grabbing it from that very system known to be used again and again red cards at Target Sony emails and on and on the world wide web but maybe they gain more by taking the risk and sometimes getting burned but still enjoying the benefits whatever they may be of sharing so easily among their trusted suppliers Associates customers depending on the level of importance it is determined to be that the information not be gained through exploit by adversary if it is the unimaginable highest level then the Diplomatic pouch which I hope can’t be read through x-ray glasses ha-ha and not a server on the world wide web to share such information or have the ones that need to know come to a secure location and take possession of or learn what they need to in that manner otherwise there is no means made and that would be probably nearly 100% safe but you should of course that your agents well kind of like being sure of your references one reference that is bad among 10 that is good will cost you the job which gave rise to the old saying be sure of your references this an answer to the question what is the most important thing you should do when attempting to get a new job or position it has become a joke but it is true at the same time dot-dot-dot enter
Much of this document was dictated speech to text read between the lines when errors are found in word choice

… continuing, “..available and those who wish to exploit errors or weak spots in the devices or programs for gaining power over someone so the contrary and illegitimate will can be implemented bye the one who has usurped the original owner or controller and you find that the ideas implemented are not the ones intended by those who elected the person or those who depend on say the newscaster who now is forced to report news as real knowing it is not because they understand there is jeopardy sometimes known and sometimes left to their imagination.
I don’t believe that Chris Matthews MSNBC believes that which ever it was the Kennedy assassination or the 9/11 Towers falling was not some planned out event by other than the ones the plans were attributed to but he makes a convincing face when he the rides those who say that is in fact the case..
That is a big assumption but I would rather assume that of him than to think that he is so stupid with such a important position as informing the public of the truth of the matter up to today that something and something so obvious to everyone he makes the point of disagreeing saying there was nothing other than what was reported and to think so makes you an idiot.

Continuing with the idea of making software and Hardware safe…
“...enter their ideas overriding the one who should be making that decision or simply because they want to surreptitiously clandestine skim a penny from every transaction made by Bank of America that exactly is not what happened but that did occur early in the days of programming for banks where small percentages for skimmed off every transaction and placed in a an account assume an account That was Made to look at legitimate Or offshore Caymans or what have you…. Someone is happy to have pulled one over on whomever and someone or some group small or large is disappointed perhaps extremely disappointed in that eventuality.

I recommend if you do get a chance to take a vacation Sandals Resorts or the like In our own backyard the Beautiful Caribbean islands I'm sure You wouldn't be disappointed they cater to your every desire And provide for your every need It is designed to cause you to relax and unwind.

Ps one of the most interesting characters I have found relatively lately is a Polish woman from Warsaw known as you wanna Joanna Rutowska the spelling is close enough she has a lab known as The Invisible things lab she is the create or primary creator of the Linux operating system known as cubes q u b e s it’s hard at first but you can get used to it.
I had found at one point that I was having trouble controlling my computers and just happened to have a YouTube video of of Joanna speaking at an engagement as she does all over the world with Papers written to Intel letting them know about holes in their security exploited and of course until ignores perhaps they are told to but that’s not the point… She said in the video when she began her address to the small group security Linux specialist, quote if your bios bios if your computers basic input-output system bios bios has been compromised is there anything you can do subsequent to that by running virus trojan and other scans and anything you can think of and things you don’t know to correct it and the answer was no if the basic input-output system which is the first thing the computer does when you turn it on is compromised it can actually download through the internet every time you turn on your machine a new version of the BIOS as the adversary learns of ways you may find to get around the fact that your machine is indeed compromised at that level specifically Linux machines but all including windows and all Apple phones Android all computers if at that basic input-output system level to buy Uggs the bi OS is compromised then the machine can be thrown away after wiping it as best you can or you may attempt to do what is called reimage meaning you download from the manufacturer all the software the code that is low level and through very specific step of procedure steps of procedures as they were refurbished licensed manufactured machines meaning Del gave permission to a company to create a Dell machine and they may have used interior parts Superior Parts in any case the machines look brand new and worked fine for me for the lab that I was constructing but I always wondered why when running Linux which gives you a read out at boot up of everything that it is doing to set the machine up why there were errors from the beginning and I believe it is because they were not jeans manufactured by Dell proper from Texas but by a company that had bought a right to use the name Dale and know what should go into the Dell and if they missed a little there would be reports of errors because the OS would spot because Linux and a lot if not all sophisticated OSS at the Run again sophisticated test to see that the hardware is operating correctly and while the hardware operated sufficiently well there were still idiosyncrasies caused by deficiencies or mismatches in the parts used in the production of machines labeled refurbished but which I have recently learned could be caused by the company like Dale licensing the name to a second or third party to build what in the end will be a lesser expensive machine but give good work and do well but I learned at that time there are basically two kinds of purchases PCS and Hewlett-Packard HP the idea is I was told HP is preferable but the primary consideration is that you HP or Dell proper otherwise you may get one of these machines which while they work and found the work well will still report there are as I say Miss matches idiosyncrasies because of the source of equipment parts used to construct the overall computer again avoiding that by purchasing the Dell or HP from the real company and paying a huge amount of money for that assures you that you get a sure does you of getting makes it most likely 100% likely that you will get the machine was to use specific parts from specific suppliers and at boot and so forth there will be no mismatch and you can look at such a log and having removed all those warnings because of mainly irrelevant to function mismatches and so on and you then 10 can more likely see if there are any warnings that they should be more closely examined to find of a certain that the original the true company knows of it and assures you that it’s okay or will provide a patch to make the software match up with the hardware eliminating the warning.
In this way it gives you a leg up and spotting legitimate places where an exploit may exist and if it is warning you it’s warning people who hardly even need to be warned.
Joanna from Warsaw began as what they call black hat meaning breaking in just to be doing meanness although she was a child later turning to white hat where she points out and investigates weaknesses that may lead to exploits writing papers as I said pointing out deficiencies in Intel chips which they refuse to address..
Importantly chic points out as the creator of the Q u BTS Linux operating system that there is no computer on earth that you made purchase where you are given a list where you are given the information that describes every device in the machine that in every machine and tells AMD all friends brands have black boxes with in them which you have no idea what their purpose is and they are constructed in such a way as to make it if not very difficult simply impossible to determine what the hell that black box is doing and a computer which I spent my money on and should be able to know and ask and get the honest answer to know clearly what every device in machine does or it should not be on the market in which case then maker won’t make money or if the black box provide some service that is hidden from a competitor then that service just won’t be made available to the consumer but that option does not exist there is no computer on earth and any country for sale that does not have this paradox of coal conundrum in search of traveling. Inter so she writes and research is and she is one of my modern-day heroes.
I wish I had a machine but at this time I do not running her OS to UBS Q u BTS cubes cubes is a reasonably secure operating system is it tagline because it can’t be perfect but another of her famous pet project or information she gets out is called evil made MA ID him a ID made the maid cleaned up this is where someone pretenders to have legitimate access to say your laptop maybe it is in a hotel maybe the real made is chloroform door has been given $10 to step up and smoke a cigarette and let into the room hopefully she doesn’t smell too bad after she smokes that cigarette the evil made into the room made him a ID made up the bed made the room clean the maid work to make room clean there I got it.
And puts a USB thumb drive or USB Drive in the computer and it puts in a simple or complex Trojan or some malware if simple overtime it will complicate and become controller for rather give control over to the one who sent the evil made the maid work hard to clean up the room the evil made who worked hard to clean up the room and you get it. Inter she asked or one of the palace asked analyst Pickers tenant speakers at the vent asked how many of you left your laptops in your hotel room and she said she did the first but we all know why she could say it because that laptop had nothing sensitive on it and she would love for someone to try to give her an evil made back door now where she could then pick a part and identify if possible where it came from is origins and maybe learn a new trick and there by calls that exploit to be closed her sensitive information is locked and safe probably at the invisible things lab what she carries with her is in line of sight which really unless she has a LED line case with electromagnetic field strong enough to keep any put weapons from damaging it if that were the intention she’s still run the risk of losing what song it or perhaps gunman will into the room and take it but that is not an evil made a text so but I make the point because I did is to keep sensitive information safe to accurately identify and drink information so that it is correctly left in the safe with trusted security or taking in Captain line of sight or left and hotel room as date or simply as what you watch Johnny mnemonic on because it has your Roku by the way I did read that some roll Cruz have had exploit problems as well as samsung Smart TVs mama and I are looking at a new girl crew Roku are okay you not girl crew but are okay you that actually connect by other net cable to your router avoiding Wi-Fi which may not be the worst thing that could to compromise a system but it certainly is one of the most kissing off ways not kissing kissing kissing off this me off pissed me off kiss my ass off ways of compromising device causing it to do things you do not wish you to do like Paul who did not do what he wished you did and did do things he wished he did not do but Paul was forgiven and his exploits corrected to the point of absolute then corrupt ability.. we need but we do not have it's true but she said we need a computer that we know everything that's in it and what it does she and a group have a company building a am machine which is not perfect but it is closer than what you made by as a consumer from Walmart or Amazon which by the way I here and I'm not sure how so but is said to be in some way exhibit ting signs of doing evil where you know Google's motto was dunno evil eye wonder if they still remember it... And machine like she asks for if it became available would be incredible amazing most surprising to see for sale if I saw her say hear is a machine and such an such a company one with a good reputation is producing this machine we have called for I would want one and would be shocked to much platform troll toes a system which cannot be corrupted or exploit found to cause fault to be found and exploded giving power to outside entities known as a determined foe..... Mark

Sent from my Android phone with GMX Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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